Young Voices Starlets Rock the O2 Arena

31 Jan

Following months of rehearsals, the Eastbrook Young Voices Choir joined the world's largest children's choir made up of more than 8200 children to raise the roof at London's O2 Arena. We were lucky enough to be placed in a private suite for the second time and very much enjoyed the luxury of the setting and the far shorter toilet queues! Pupils enthusiastically participated in a three hour pre-show rehearsal before the venue doors opened at 6pm and the arena filled with eagerly awaiting friends and family. For the next two hours, the children sang, danced, clapped and cheered their way through some incredible performances, including from the Urban Strides dance troupe and musical artist MC Grammar. Both the choir and audience partied their way through the night, the whole time PROUDLY representing Eastbrook School beautifully and upholding our school virtues of teamwork, kindness and gratitude.

What an amazing memory to treasure forever!