
GCSE Citizenship course empowers students to become aware and become active and responsible citizens in their local, national and national communities. It incorporates theoretical approaches, including the principles of power; democracy; the operation of government and the legal system; and practical engagement in active citizenship. Students learn and develop key skills and values necessary to participate effectively in democratic processes and contribute positively to society. Critical thinking, debate and civic participation, preparing students to engage with complex social, political, and ethical issues are amongst the skills that are nurtured in order to make informed and constructive decisions to effect positive changes in their communities. 

Citizenship explores the rights and responsibilities of individuals, communities and governments within society; investigate the political system of the United Kingdom including the electoral process, political parties and the role of Parliament. An analysis of local, national and global challenges: such as poverty; inequality and climate change are addressed and students are empowered to challenge these issues, thus fostering empathy political participation within society.

Student visits to courts and active planning and participation in cultural events is encouraged. These help to develop social cohesion by promoting sense of pride in personal identity, a sense of belonging and respect for diversity. These are crucial interpersonal life skills that underpin British Values and promote our PROUD habits that help students to contribute and function in the classroom and beyond.