Instrument of Government

Instrument of Government

  1. The name of the school is Eastbrook School.
  2. The school is a Community school.
  3. The name of the governing body is "The Governing Body of Eastbrook School”.
  4. The Governing Body shall consist of:
    • Two parent governors
    • One LA governor
    • One staff governor
    • One headteacher
    • Five co-opted governors
  5. Total number of governors: 10
  6. The term of office of all categories of governor is three years.
  7. This instrument of government comes into effect on 14 February 2022.
  8. This instrument was made by order of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Local Authority on 11 February 2022.
  9. A copy of the instrument must be supplied to every member of the governor body (and the headteacher if not a governor), any trustees and to the appropriate religious body.

School Governors

Roles and Responsibilities

Governors are at the heart of how a school operates.  They are responsible for making sure the school provides a good quality education for all students and helping to raise standards of achievement.  Governing body are accountable to parents, the local community and the Local Authority.

The Governing Body:

  • is accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community.
  • plans the school’s future direction.
  • selects the head teacher.
  • makes decisions on the school’s budget and staffing including the performance management policy.
  • makes sure the agreed Curriculum is well taught.
  • decides how the school can encourage pupil’s spiritual, moral and cultural development.
  • makes sure the school provides for all pupils including those with special needs.