
At Eastbrook school our students develop as independent, intelligent and detailed responders of texts from a range of time periods and genres. We promote reading skills such as synthesis, interpretation, analysis, evaluation and HOW/WHAT/WHY. Students explore the methods used by writers, using subject terminology appropriately to engage with writer’s choices regarding form, language and structure and how these create meaning. They also investigate the ideas and perspectives of writers and readers and how these are influenced by contextual factors.  
Students also develop their own writing skills: students are taught to communicate in a way that is clear, with tone, style and register matched to audience; they make increasingly sophisticated choices regarding punctuation, vocabulary, phrasing and linguistic devices which are employed for best effect; they make skillful use of structural features, producing writing that is engaging with clearly connected ideas, coherent paragraphs and integrated discourse markers. 
Developing spoken language skills is a key part of our curriculum. Students are encouraged to be audible and use Standard English correctly when expressing challenging ideas, perspectives and feelings. We aim to ensure that they can organise and structure their spoken language appropriately and respond formally and in detail to questions asked. 
Our curriculum promotes a PROUD ethos and encourages students to be moral, responsible, fair and respectful individuals, mainly through exploring the themes of literary fiction and non-fiction.