Physical Education

Ramadan - Fasting and Physical Education
Our policy at Eastbrook School fully recognises that fasting during the month of Ramadan is the fourth Pillar of Islam; an act of worship of great spiritual, moral and social significance for Muslims.

This policy guidance has been devised with reference to the following two publications:

  • Towards Greater Understanding – Meeting the needs of Muslim pupils in state schools, Information & Guidance for Schools: The Muslim Council of Britain (
  • Safe Practice in Physical Education, Sport & Physical Activity: Association for Physical Education (

It has also been written in collaboration with parent representatives of Muslim students at Eastbrook School.

During Ramadan, all students will be expected to still take part in Physical Education, for the following three key reasons:

  1. Muslims are encouraged not to use Ramadan as an opportunity to avoid aspects of normal life but rather to cope with normal life under a different set of guidelines.
  2. All children have an entitlement to access a meaningful PE programme that meets the requirements of the National Curriculum, while seeking to respect any religious or cultural sensitivities involved wherever possible.
  3. The Muslim Council of Britain states that “the majority of pupils who are fasting are able to take part in most physical activities during Ramadan without putting themselves at risk or danger.”.

PE department staff appreciate that during fasting, normal energy resources may become depleted, and the risk of dehydration is increased. As a result:

  • PE staff will be aware that intensity levels in activities may need to be lowered to a point where fasting students may continue to participate safely and will remain responsive to students’ needs during Ramadan.
  • PE staff and parents should encourage students who are fasting to speak to their PE teacher as soon as possible if they feel that the intensity level in their lesson needs reducing.
  • Parents of fasting pupils are encouraged to speak to their child’s PE teacher, or the Head of Physical Education, at the earliest opportunity if they have any concerns regarding fasting and Physical Education at Eastbrook School.

Welcome to the Physical Education (PE) department at Eastbrook school. Our aim is for our students to develop a comprehensive knowledge in physical education, health and wellbeing and sporting excellence. We deliver a holistic PE curriculum that inspires students to participate more in sporting activities and competitive sport. The PE curriculum has been designed to be student led and to promote student leadership. We plan for all pupils to learn how to make informed choices about health, fitness, and well-being. Pupils will highlight the possible health benefits gained from taking part in each sporting activity and discuss the need to stay healthy and active. Physical, Emotional and Social health benefits will be taught intensely supporting the schools vision of improving well-being across the school.

Key Stage 3

The Key stage 3 (KS3) PE curriculum is designed to build on and embed the physical development and skills learned in key stages 1 and 2, become more competent, confident and expert in their techniques, and apply them across different sports and physical activities. They should understand what makes a performance effective and how to apply these principles to their own and others’ work. They should develop the confidence and interest to get involved in exercise, sports, and activities out of school and in later life, and understand and apply the long-term health benefits of physical activity. Every KS3 lesson has a GCSE Focus which follows the same path as the Year 10 GCSE SOW. This theory content is delivered through the lesson and used along the sporting activity to provide sporting examples allowing students to apply their knowledge. At the conclusion of KS3, students are deemed KS4 ready once they have demonstrated they process, to the expected standard, the knowledge, and skills as laid out by the supported framework to the national curriculum.

Key Stage 4

The Key stage 4 (KS4) PE curriculum is designed to build on KS3 practical skills and theory knowledge. Students will start to explore the ways in which parts of the human body work and function during physical activity and the physiological adaptations that can occur due to diet and training. Learners will also develop their knowledge and understanding of the principles of training, why we train in different ways and how training plans can be made to optimise results. At the conclusion of KS4, students are deemed GCSE and KS5 ready once they have demonstrated they process, to the expected standard, the knowledge and skills as laid out by the supported framework to the national curriculum in both practical skills and theory knowledge.

Key Stage 5

The Key stage 5 (KS5) PE curriculum is designed to build on KS4 theory and apply this knowledge to a sport science setting. Students will be able to explain how body systems interact and work together and why they are important for sports performance. Students will be able to make connections between body systems in response to short term and long-term exercise and sport participation. In addition to this make connections between muscular and all other systems, cardiovascular, respiratory, and energy. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the effects of lifestyle choices on an individual health and wellbeing and be able to develop a fitness training programme with appropriate justification. Students will be able to evaluate their own and others leadership and how professional development in sports industry can affect sporting career paths. At the conclusion of KS5, students are deemed ready for higher education and employment once they demonstrate an understanding on what happens during sport and exercise.

Curriculum Enrichment

The PE department run an enrichment and  extra curriculum programme that allows students access to sports and theory lessons before school, during lunch and after school. We also enter all the boroughs sporting fixtures and the county and national football leagues.

Independent Study

The independent study set from the PE department is designed to support learning in the classroom. This could be in the form of flip learning where students will be expected to bring prior knowledge to the classroom / sports hall or in the form of exam questions and deeper learning questions to provide students with he opportunity to discover an in-depth account of physical education. 

Career Opportunities

Physical education lends itself to a range of careers in sports and fitness as well as other industries that you may not have considered before. For example, did you know that many nutritionists, physical therapists, and chiropractors have a degree in PE? Some careers that you could consider doing with PE include:

  • Sports science
  • PE teacher
  • Physiotherapist
  • Professional sportsperson
  • Sports coach/consultant
  • Sports policy at local and national level
  • Diet and fitness instructor
  • Personal trainer
  • Design sport clothing / equipment

Exam Boards

At Eastbrook students can achieve the below qualifications:

  • OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Physical Education (J587) 
  • OCR Cambridge Nationals – Sport Science Level 2 Certificate 
  • OCR Cambridge Nationals - Sport and Physical Activity

Support for Exams

Students can use the below as support for their exams:

  • GCP OCR – The revision guide
  • GCP OCR – Exam practice workbook
  • GCP OCR – Revision question cards
  • OCR Website – access old exam papers / questions
  • BBC Bitesize – Physical Education
  • YOUTUBE– Sporting Action
  • Professional Club Websites