Careers and Aspiration

Careers Strategy at Eastbrook​

We have an unrelenting ambition to improve social mobility for every student, irrespective of the disadvantage they face, recognising that the careers education and support they receive will have a life changing positive impact. Our students are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by developing essential work related and life competencies and by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. ​

We are dedicated to providing students with an extensive range of insights into local, regional, national and global labour markets, providing them with an insight in a diverse range of progression routes, e.g., higher education, vocational routes such as apprenticeships or directly into employment. Our careers programmes are dynamic and change according to the changing needs of our students and local and national labour market needs. We provide opportunities for students to develop careers awareness, employability skills, labour market knowledge and resolve to become successful in their chosen field. Our school’s high quality and comprehensive careers education fosters high aspirations and enables our students to become happy, ambitious and successful citizens in society. Our school’s unique demographic and subsequent student need, means the quality of careers education information, advice and guidance provision is personalised and remains high quality.​

We want our students to be:​

Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve their full potential.​
Confident individuals who are able to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives​
Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.​

Careers Interviews​

​All pupils in sixth form will have independent careers guidance. Students will receive impartial, unbiased career guidance from a range of education and training providers to inform them about approved technical education qualifications and apprenticeships through a range of experiences such as assemblies, workshops, events or talks. ​

Uni / App, Course Application Support ​

​Around 90% of our students make applications to university.  This means that we offer everyone advice and guidance on choices, activities to support applications and personal statement support in accordance with the UCAS process.  For most students this process starts formally in January of Year 12 and 13 until all students have completed successful applications.  Some students apply for apprenticeships and these students are supported by ASK Apprenticeships, Teeside University mentors, The Talent Foundry and Eastbrook careers advisers.​

Unifrog is a one-stop careers advice station.  It is a great tool to access information on colleges, universities, careers and qualifications.  Students can keep their profile up to date and get advice on their next steps. They can add activities to their ‘locker’ to build a portfolio which can support with CV writing, UCAS, Apprenticeship search and job applications.  Students logins will stay in place even once they have left Eastbrook provided that Unifrog, as a company, still exists. We encourage students to use Unifrog at sixth form so that they can start to explore their interests and strengths and build better and better career knowledge. Unifrog includes up-to-date labour and market information which is relevant to our local area. ​


The Schools Careers Lead is Shehnaz 

Please click here for our Careers Strategy and Action Plan

Please click here for our Careers Policy