Eastbrook School’s PROUD (Personal, Social, Health Education) department is central to our ‘Character and Academics’ approach. Aligned with fundamental British values, PROUD integrates citizenship, personal well-being and cultural capital, extending beyond the classroom into assemblies, educational visits and extra-curricular activities.

Our aim is to nurture healthy, independent, and responsible citizens. PROUD fosters model citizenship, emphasizing tolerance, democracy, rule of law, and free speech. Students develop essential skills through debates, research, and persuasive writing, equipping them to think critically, analyze information, and understand complex societal issues.

By the end of Key Stage 3, students will have the confidence and skills to manage their lives, make informed choices, and challenge their beliefs. They will develop healthy lifestyles and strong relationships, building resilience, self-esteem, and empathy. Our curriculum introduces concepts from Citizenship, Sociology, and Religious Studies, preparing students for future studies.

In Key Stage 4, PROUD focuses on the challenges facing young adults. Students learn essential life skills like CV writing, financial management, and understanding political and social issues. We emphasize the importance of healthy relationships, sexual health, and the dangers of substance abuse. Students develop a strong understanding of democracy and their role as active citizens.

In the Sixth Form, personal development is a cornerstone of our approach. Our weekly pastoral programme is designed to equip students with essential skills for their future. These sessions cover career opportunities, career interviews, study skills workshops, and practical guidance for navigating life beyond school. Complementing this, our comprehensive PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) program runs weekly, addressing key areas of personal growth and well-being. This holistic approach ensures students build a strong foundation for both academic and personal success.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." – Peter Drucker

We strongly encourage students to participate fully in all aspects of our curriculum, including PSHE and Religious Studies. However, parents and carers have the right to withdraw students from aspects of the PSHE and Religious Studies curriculum. This is a process that is carefully managed by the school and we work actively to encourage parents and carers to engage with the support, training and information that we offer, to ensure that students get the fullest experience possible. If a parent or carer does wish to discuss this, or remove a student, they should contact the academic deputy Mr Hewitt by email:

PSHE & Careers 

At Eastbrook School, we offer a diverse and exciting curriculum with different pathways to meet the individual needs and aspirations of our students. Our dedicated staff ensure that students can progress to university, college, or the workplace with the best possible qualifications. 
Beyond the classroom, we provide enrichment and personal development opportunities to broaden students' options and prepare them for the future. We encourage students to participate fully in all aspects of school life, making valuable contributions to the culture and success of our school and wider community. 

Transitioning to Post 16 learning is an important and exciting step. At Eastbrook Sixth Form, we offer opportunities for all learners to build on their previous successes and ensure both academic and personal progress. Our careers programme provides significant support to help students explore employment sectors and the world of work. 

Since January 2018, providing career education, information, and guidance (CEIAG) has been a legal requirement in schools. As part of this, we aim to meet the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks: 

  1. A stable careers programme – We embed a career education and guidance programme that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, and employers. 
  2.  Learning from career and labour market information – Students and their parents have access to high-quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. 
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil – We tailor career guidance to the needs of each student, considering quality and diversity throughout. 
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers – Teachers link curriculum learning with careers, highlighting the relevance of subjects like STEM for various career paths. 
  5. Encounters with employers and employees – Students in Y12-13 have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment, and valued workplace skills through activities like Careers Week, invited speakers, and careers fairs. 
  6. Experiences of workplaces – We provide first-hand workplace experiences through visits, shadowing, and work experience to help students explore career opportunities and expand their networks. 
  7. Encounters with further and higher education – Students are informed about the full range of learning opportunities, including academic and vocational routes in schools, colleges, universities, and the workplace. 
  8. Personal guidance – Students in Y12-13 have opportunities for guidance interviews with our Careers Adviser whenever significant study or career choices are being made. 

Let's work together to support our students in achieving their goals and preparing for a bright future! 

Click here to view our Careers and Aspiration curriculum