Why Clay & Paint Are Superpowers for Autistic Kids
This term in Apollo art we've been diving into the squishy, wonderful world of clay and vibrant paints, and let me tell you, it's been awesome! We've been learning how to take a lump of clay and turn it into something incredible – a bit like magic, right? Why is this so cool, especially for our awesome autistic creators?
Clay is fantastic! It's cool, squishy, and you can push it, pull it, and shape it however you want. This sensory experience can be super calming and help us connect with the world around us in a fun, hands-on way. Sometimes, words can be tricky. But with clay and paint, we can show how we feel without saying a thing! We can create characters, animals, or abstract shapes that express our thoughts and emotions in unique and beautiful ways.
Learning to shape clay and paint helps us develop important skills like hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. It's like a workout for our fingers and hands, making them stronger and more precise. Working with clay and paint can be incredibly calming. It allows us to focus on one task, which can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of peace. Last week, we even learned how to make pinch pots! We pressed our thumbs into the clay and shaped it into little bowls, and then we learned how to join different clay shapes together. Imagine the possibilities!
Painting and sculpting allows for visual thinking. This can be a huge benefit for autistic children who often think in pictures. It allows for the expression of thoughts and ideas in a way that is natural to them. When we create something we're PROUD of, it gives us a huge boost of confidence! We realise that we can make amazing things with our own hands, and that's a fantastic feeling.