
The Geography Department at Eastbrook School develops subject knowledge and skills within the wider school ‘Character and Academics’ approach to curriculum.

We use the study of geography to provide understanding of human and physical impacts on a local and global perspective coupled with individual and collective behaviour.

The Geography Department uses the notion of space and place to ensure our learners become principled, resilient, determined, nuanced individuals who are conscientious problem solvers of the 21st century.

The Geography Department not only teaches the planet of the past and of contemporary times but more importantly about what it may or may not be like in the future to come.

The Geography Department utilises the relevance for our learners and provides sustainable and open-minded ideals.

Our learners are equipped to enquire about the human and physical processes that shape our planet and make predictions based on the current and past processes.

Our learners are equipped with literacy, numeracy and graphicacy skills enabling them to analyse and interpret data.

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum at KS3 in line with the Geography Programme of Study. At KS4, we offer an exciting 2-year GCSE Geography curriculum.

By the end of KS4, learners have a wide repertoire of literacy skills to communicate their point of view coupled with niche geographic terminology. They continue to develop their decision-making skills whereby informed choices are made about society, environment and the economy. Learners are aware of the positive and negative impacts of choices and actions that humans make. Thus, they understand and can explain the complex inter-relationships that exist between humans and the natural world. They become adept in evaluating these choices based on informed and evidence based theoretical geographic knowledge.